Friday, 2 December 2011

i just added some saturation to make it look good
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With this picture i used a black and white background with a colour focus to show the little man
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I used a centre focus effect to bring attention to cigarette
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Friday, 25 November 2011

Little People

 i took this picture in the college corridor
 this image is taken on a set of stairs too capture an image with movement

 ash tray in the smoking area

 ledge in the smoking area

 random ledge outside

 ledge in the smoking area

stairwell in the college

Friday, 4 November 2011


details of the artist


My 'Little People Project' started in 2006. It involves the remodelling and painting of miniature model train set characters, which I then place and leave on the street. It is both a street art installation project and a photography project. The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed. But underneath this, there is always some humour. I want people to be able to empathise with the tiny people in my works.

link 1,r:7,s:0&tx=106&ty=35&biw=1024&bih=672

link 2

Friday, 14 October 2011

Decisive Moments

The decisive moment is a moment in which all of your ideas come together if you take the picture to earley or to late the picture will mean nothing .Even if your a second late.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Macro Photography L4

macro photography is when you use the setting on the camera to take a close up shot of something with as much depth of field as possible

I like this picture because it shows the camera in full focus and the background is blured out  
This close up i really like because of the colours and the droplets balancing on the cd

 I really like this picture coz it shows the texture of the shoe and you can see you gold label out of focus
i like this close up because its got lots of detail and then fades the further down the phone you look
i really like this shot i think its my favourite because the lense cap looks like its floating
this close up is intresting all of the keys are out of focus but the screen on the phone isnt
this shot is a side on shot i like if because its shows the detail in the shoe
i like the way the lead wraps around the headphones but is still in focus
this is my worst photo i think i dont know why but i dont like it too much

Friday, 30 September 2011

lesson 2

shuttter speed 
how fast the shutter speed oipens and closes to let light into the camera

how big the opening of the lens is to let light in

shutter speed is usually expressed in fractions of a second

1/250th of a second is fast
1/30th of a second is slow

anything slower than 1/30th of a second MUST! use a tripod

aperture is usually expressed in f numbers

f/2.1 is large
f/22 is small

depth of field is best described as the amount of the picture is in focus

Friday, 16 September 2011

Types of Photography

action photography
fasion photography
historical artefact
freelance photography
food and drink photography
document photography
wildlife photography
press photos